2015 SciFest@College Awards
Please follow this link for details of the award winners at each SciFest@College 2015 venue.
There were ten major student awards available at each 2015 SciFest@College event
- Science Foundation Ireland Best Project Award
- Abbott Runner-up Best Project Award
- Intel Award (Best Physical Sciences or Technology Project)
- Newstalk Best Communicator Award
- Chemistry Award
- SEAI Energy Award (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
- ESERO Discover Space Award (European Space Education Resource Office); this award is accompanied by an award for the teacher of the winning student(s)
- Maths in Science Award
- Irish Science Teachers' Association Award
- Boston Scientific Medical Devices Award
Teacher Award
Student Awards
The names of the major award winners at each venue / Institute of Technology are posted at the links below.
Special prizes, category prizes, and/or highly commended prizes are also available at most venues and some also present trophies sponsored by the relevant Institute or local organisations. Details of these additional awards are also available at the links below.